
Recipe: Tasty My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers

My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers.

My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers very diverse and have ideal sense that unique. Some types of My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers recipes are also sufficient simple to process and dont take long. Although not everyone likes My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers food, nowadays few people are get attached and like the sundry My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers foods available. This could be visible from the number of restaurants that provide My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers as one of the serving. You can cook My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers

  1. Prepare of Green peppers.
  2. You need of ◎ Ground meat.
  3. Prepare of onion ◎ Onion.
  4. Prepare of ◎ Egg.
  5. It's of ◎ Salt and pepper.
  6. You need of ◎ Katakuriko.
  7. You need of ◇ Dashi stock.
  8. You need of ◇ Soy sauce.
  9. You need of ◇ Sugar.
  10. You need of ◇ Mirin.
  11. Prepare of ◇ Sake.

My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers step by step

  1. Hand knead the ◎ ingredients until the ingredients stick together for the meat mixture.
  2. Cut the tops off the green peppers, remove the seeds, rinse, and drain well..
  3. Stuff the meat mixture all the way to the bottom of the peppers..
  4. Add oil to a heated pan, cook the peppers meat-side down until golden brown, and then flip over and brown the sides (over medium strong heat)..
  5. Pour the mixed ◇ ingredients around the peppers, cover the pan with a lid, and steam for 15 minutes (over low heat). Flip the green peppers over 1-2 times during the process..
  6. Remove the lid and boil down the liquid until it thickens, while spooning the broth on top of the peppers (over medium strong heat)..

Obtain ingredients for manufacture My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers recipes is also not tough. You can easily get the main ingredients at the proximate supermarket and in fact on the market. There are much types of My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers that are convenient and quick to process into delicious dish. You can constantly practice this My Family Recipe of Meat-Stuffed Green Peppers recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook another foods on our website, we prepare various types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try their.

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