
Recipe: Yummy Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour

Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour.

Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour highly diverse and have mind sense that unique. Some types of Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour recipes are also adequate easy to process and dont take long. Although not everyone likes Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour food, currently few people are got attached and like the sundry Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour foods available. This can be seen of the number of restaurants that provide Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour as one of the serving. You can have Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour using 3 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour

  1. It's of Eggs.
  2. It's of Sugar.
  3. You need of Rice flour or Joshinko.

Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour instructions

  1. Take the eggs and the sugar and whip with a electric mixer until light and fluffy..
  2. Add in the flour and mix lightly on low speed with the electric mixer..
  3. Line the baking tray with parchment paper and then pour the batter into it. Smooth out the batter and tap the baking tray onto the work surface a couple of times to get rid of large bubbles..
  4. Bake for 8~9 minutes in a preheated oven at 190℃..
  5. Once done, drop the tray from a height of 30 cm so that the cake doesn't shrink..
  6. Take the cake out of the tray. Cover with plastic wrap and cool. The cake is done!.
  7. After that, spread on your favorite syrup and roll it up with whipped cream. I used two cakes in this picture! I recommend using maple syrup and whipped cream. You'll be completely satisfied..
  8. As a bonus: Divide the batter into halves bake in separate cake pans to make a short cake with no need to slice the cake in half. Bake them for about 20 minutes at 180℃..
  9. By the way, here it is using a 15 cm cake pan. It's pretty tall, so you can probably make this in an 18 cm pan as well..

To get ingredients for production Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour recipes is also not tough. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and indeed on the market. There are much types of Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour that are easy and fast to process into delicious dishes. You can always practice this Easy Roll Cake Sponge Made with Rice Flour recipe at home, and can provide it to your children and extended family. If you wish to cook different foods on our website, we prepare various types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try them.

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